Quick Tips To Help You Relieve Stress And Anxiety

Exam stress is real. It tests a student’s knowledge and skills. However, is anything being done to test the coping ability of students dealing with stress?

According to Childline, kids are suffering. Not just from abuse or emotional trauma, but from exam stress as well.

The helpline further commented that a considerable number of youngsters mentioned this issue when coming in for counseling sessions.

Helpful Tips to Relieve Exam Stress

So, is exam stress something that cannot be relieved?

Like all stress and anxiety, this too can go away. Before you start thinking the absolute worst – missing the deadline for your chemistry paper, flunking history, and not waking up in time for the exam – sit down and take a deep breath. Start planning and you’ll get through this stressful period of life with the least stress!

Go For a Run

Running at a brisk pace for even 20 minutes will do a lot of good. 20 minute walk in the morning, preferably outside where the cool air will wake you up will release endorphins (which are a feel good drug) and improve your mood for the better.

Follow this tip before you start studying or after schools gets over if you’re unable to do so in the morning.

Talk It Out

The biggest mistake people do is bottle up their anxiety and cause of stress. Not only is this bad for your mental health, but at some point the bottle will burst, in a breakdown of emotions.

Talking about what is bothering you may not get rid of the reason for stress, but it will still help you deal with it in a rational and clear way. Sit down with a sibling, friend or parents and chat. Share what your plans are for finals week, i.e. how you’ll study and what’s stressing you the most.

Make a Detailed Calendar

You may already be thinking of making a calendar, detailing your exam dates and paper deadlines. Go one step ahead and include everything else happening in your life. It can be yoga class, gift-shopping, and even the dreaded visit to your aunt – anything!

Writing it down and then color coding everything from very important to least will at least make everything seem more feasible to do.

Take a Social Media Break

Social media platforms are great ways to procrastinate. It’s not a good idea to go so much on social media platforms, like Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr when exams are almost upon you.

This will increase already high levels of stress. When preparing for your exams, turn off Facebook and email notifications and turn them back on after exams are over.

Hypnosis can also help you achieve a state of relaxation. Find out if hypnotherapy is going to be the solution by availing a free consultation by Rekha Shrivastava of Blossom Hypnosis who relieves exam stress in clients through hypnosis techniques.

Stress and anxiety comes in many forms and types. The important thing is what you’re doing to keep stress at bay. Get in touch with Rekha Shrivastava, a certified hypnotist in Rochester, NY and learn how to cope better the next time you have exams.

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