Dealing With Procrastination: 5 Tips To Stay On Top Of Things

We’re sure you’ve all heard the old maxim: “Every day, every hour, be on top of things.”

It’s a good saying and one that we should all try to live by since being proactive and on-task is a key factor in your success.

Unfortunately, in today’s world, it can be hard to follow.

There are so many distractions that get added into our daily lives (social media, outings, and so on) that it sometimes feels like the only way we’re going to keep up with everything is by letting even some important things wait until later.

If you want to learn how to fight an addiction to procrastination, here are some tips to help you get going:

1. Don’t wait until the last minute

It’s not enough to just say, “I’m going to get this done by Friday.” You need to set a time limit so you have something concrete to work toward.

If possible, set an actual date and time for when the task needs to be done — even if it’s only tomorrow morning. The more pressure there is on you, the better your chance of getting it done by then.

2. Set clear goals and make sure they’re SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely).

Set up a place where you’ll write down all of your tasks that need doing for each day for the next week or two weeks (or however long it takes) based on their importance. Then make sure those tasks are broken down into smaller pieces, so they’re easier for you to tackle later on in the day or over multiple days (and even weeks).

Also, remember to break free of codependency habits and try to finish all your work by yourself.

3. Reward yourself for completing tasks promptly!

There’s nothing wrong with taking small breaks throughout the day or at night before bedtime—as long as they don’t become habitual and replace your regular work sessions altogether.

These rewards can be physical, like a cup of tea, or more abstract and involve something you enjoy doing outside of work, like watching TV. The key is to make sure your reward doesn’t take too long and that it’s something that won’t distract you from your work.

4. Set your daily tasks aside

Get into the habit of setting aside time for these tasks every day. This can be difficult when you’ve been procrastinating for so long that it feels impossible to get started again, but once you do it consistently over time, it will become easier and easier to start new projects when they arise out of nowhere!

5. Give hypnosis a try

For one thing, hypnosis is not the same as meditation. You’re not trying to empty your mind or get into a meditative state of mind. Instead, you’re focusing on something that is going to help you relax and focus on the task at hand.

So, try hypnosis first if you’re having trouble getting started on a task or project. You won’t even realize you’re in a trance until after your session ends, and you notice how much easier everything seems to come together for you afterward!

Get One Of The Best Hypnosis For Procrastination

Do you want to accomplish more but end up wasting time on unimportant stuff? Blossom Hypnosis can help!

Rekha Shrivatastava is an experienced hypnosis professional based in Rochester, NY, who believes in the power of the mind and can help you fight addiction to procrastination.

You can also call us at 585-281-2988 to schedule an appointment.

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