How Hypnosis For Anxiety Can Address Unhealthy Emotional Patterns

Most Americans rely on antidepressants to cure their mental illnesses. In fact, according to Time, 13% of the American population consumes antidepressants in one form or another, making it an unhealthy coping method to deal with mental health issues.

Hypnosis is one of the most effective, non-invasive methods of treating problems like anxiety and everything associated with it. Here are some emotional patterns it addresses.

Physical & Emotional Stress

One of the unhealthiest patterns that most people fail to address or continue neglecting is physical and emotional stress, resulting from problems associated with personal life, relationships, work, and many other aspects. These issues are often interrelated, which means physical tensions often lead to emotional distress and vice versa.

Hypnosis addresses this issue by helping you focus on the root cause of the problem. In other words, it’ll transform how you perceive triggers that result in excessive stress in your body and mind. Hypnosis for anxiety works by focusing on a person’s emotional tensions first, which ultimately impacts its physical symptoms.

As a result, the person is less likely to experience physical tension like shaking, panic attacks, anxiety attacks, and a racing heartbeat.

a sad man in a blue shirt

Mood Fluctuations

Hormonal imbalance, genetic complications, and unresolved trauma often lead to continual mood fluctuations among people. Mood swings often become a part of a person’s overall personality if they don’t solve the problem.

When you choose hypnosis to address anxiety, you experience developing a positive mindset, through which all the negative thoughts begin converting themselves into productive and less stressful ideas.

Your ability to acknowledge your mood fluctuations and the need to address the issue through hypnosis will better equip you to discover the appropriate coping mechanisms to deal with them.


Another unhealthy consequence of anxiety is a wide range of phobias among people. These are severe fears of a specific activity, place, person, or thing that leads to anxiety attacks. While many people with phobias use medication to cope with the issue, some still struggle to leave their houses due to excessive fear.

Fortunately, hypnosis is the one-step solution to eradicating phobias once and for all. Qualified hypnotists can discover the root of the phobias through their subconscious mind healing techniques and rewire their thought process through hypnosis.

Remember that it’s a slow and steady process, which can take up to a month to be fully effective.

At Cognitive Healing, our trained hypnotist, Rekha, can help you overcome the underlying problems and causes of anxiety with hypnosis. She works with patients to treat anxiety by using hypnosis to help them express feelings and treat subconscious anxiety. Schedule a consultation with us today!

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