Overcome Vertigo with Hypnosis

What Is Vertigo?

The feeling of dizziness that you experience due to an imbalance that occurs due to issues in the inner ear or brain.

You might experience a sensation of spinning and dizziness on and off during your normal daily routines. Vertigo can be an indication of other medical issues that might cause it to manifest in dizzy spells. These might include head and neck injury, brain tumor, migraine, severe ear infections, etc.

Not the Same as Fear of Heights

Vertigo shouldn’t be confused with the fear of heights. While it may be true that your vertigo might hit you with a dizzy spell and an unbalanced foot when you are at a height but that is because of your medical condition and not your psychosis related to heights.

Hypnosis and Vertigo

Vertigo can pose a serious threat to a normal everyday routine as it can cause symptoms to appear in the form of nausea, vomiting, sweating and balance problems. The head spinning and dizziness is experienced along with the above mentioned symptoms. This can be managed by the use of hypnosis.

Hypnotherapy incorporates the use of different sound and image techniques to induce a cognitive response and meet preferred goals. The feelings of anxiety and stress that a vertigo experience might manifest in a patient can further deteriorate the progress of patients.

Hypnotists carry out their sessions after meeting each patient and gathering all the information possible so that they can make a customized treatment plan to suit their needs. This ensures a more personal and precise healing as not all vertigo patient will experience the same symptoms.

Hypnotherapy uses powerful imagery to help patients focus on treating their anxiety inducing episodes. Positive visualizations are very important with hypnosis. It is not an exact science, rather hypnosis is referred to along with medical treatment. It helps to make the patient more focused on building positive attitudes so that expected behavior can be made consistent and long lasting.

Hypnosis also uses suggestive sounds to reaffirm positive thinking and perceptions. It allows the hypnotist to re-train your mind to think and reason in a way that best benefits you to overcome your issues related to vertigo, dizziness, anxiety and stress.

Vertigo, stress, depression, PTSD, trauma are all disturbing and panic inducing issues that can lead to more anxiety and pain if left untreated. To restructure the way you think and the way your body perceives conditions, contact Rekha Shrivastava for a personal hypnosis session and treatment program in Rochester, NY.







One Comment

  1. Dr. Felzenberg said:

    I am a physician seeking hynotheraypy for an elderly patient with nausea, vomiting, dizziness and gait imbalance. The sessions will need to be virtual.
    Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to your follow up so we can help this patient.

    January 6, 2022

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