Anxiety vs. Intuition: All You Need To Know

Are you struggling with decision-making and hoping to make the best ones? We’re sure we’ve all been there at one time or another.

Sometimes you just don’t know if your intuition will tell you the right thing or if you should trust your anxiety. You may also find yourself wondering what anxiety versus intuition is all about.

Both of them seems to play a big role in our personal and professional lives.

Though it might be easy to confuse these two terms, it is possible to understand which one you need to rely on more.

So, here’s how you can differentiate between the two:

Anxiety vs. Intuition: All You Need To Know

Anxiety is the feeling of apprehension or dread about the future. It can be a normal human reaction to anything from a test at school to an impending job interview or even just an upcoming social event. But anxiety can also be a useful tool for problem-solving and decision-making.

On the other hand, intuition is a natural intelligence that works in the background, helping us make decisions without conscious thought. It’s the opposite of anxiety—it’s the feeling that comes when your intuition is telling you something—but it’s also more active than our other senses like hearing or sight, which require us to look at something to perceive it.

Even though anxiety and intuition are thought of as opposites, they are closely related. Research has shown that people with high levels of intuition have higher levels of anxiety than those who have low intuition.

How To Overcome Anxiety?

1. Identify your triggers

Your anxiety may be triggered by something specific such as an upcoming exam or interview, or it could be caused by something more general like stress at work or financial difficulties. Once you have identified your triggers, try to avoid them as much as possible.

2. Be kind to yourself

People with anxiety often feel self-conscious and embarrassed by their problems, so it’s important not to blame yourself if you’re having trouble dealing with your anxiety symptoms.

You can’t change what happened in the past but you can learn from it and take steps to improve your future experiences of anxiety symptoms.

3. Learn relaxation techniques

If you’re stressed about something, take three deep breaths and focus on relaxing your body through slow abdominal breathing until your muscles start to feel tired and tired (even though this may not happen immediately). Once you’ve relaxed, take a moment to think about what’s causing the stress. And is there any way to deal with it without making yourself anxious? If so, what are the alternatives?

Can Hypnosis Help Treat Anxiety?

Yes. Hypnosis is a powerful way to get you out of your head and into the present moment. It can help you relax and destress, which in turn helps with your anxiety.

Hypnosis can help reduce symptoms of anxiety, such as:

  • Stress
  • Anxiety about everyday life events
  • Panic attacks
  • Obsessive thoughts about the future

So, if you or your loved one are struggling with constant stress and anxiety, our certified hypnosis expert in Rochester, NY, can help!

Rekha Shrivastava at Blossom Hypnosis offers stress and anxiety management treatment and also provides subconscious mind therapy.

Book an online appointment today by reaching out to her today, or calling us at 585-281-2988.

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