Going Cold Turkey: 4 Tips to Quit Smoking for Good

According to the American Lung Association, tobacco smoking and exposure lead to 480,000 deaths each year in the US. There’s no denying the health risks associated with smoking, and yet, quitting the act can be quite difficult.

Here’re a few tips to help you through this.

Set a Date

Treat this like any other task you’re planning on doing. Set a date and time for when you’ll be starting your smoking cleanse, and stick to it! It’s easy to think that you can stop whenever you want, but it isn’t until you take that action that your quitting journey begins.

It’s best to go in this prepared, rather than throwing away your cigarettes on impulse and buying new ones the very next day. Choose a day for your journey to begin, and start from there. For instance, if you’re planning on quitting smoking from next month, then mark your calendar for the 1st of that month as your starting point. When the day arrives, that’s when you begin.

Have a Final Cigarette

As we mentioned, it’s best to go into this prepared. Be warned; you will crave cigarettes at some point after quitting. These are due to the withdrawal symptoms your body will face once the addictive substance is no longer being consumed. Don’t worry though, if you’ve truly committed yourself to the cause, you’ll be able to counter these effects as well.

Now that you’re getting rid of smoking habits, you want to make sure it stays that way. Have a final cigarette if you wish, before the “Quitting Day” arrives. Remember, this is going to be your last cigarette! Know when you’re having your final one and make sure you’re not repeating the moment in a week or so. This is it. No more cigarettes after this one!

Avoid Cigarette Substitutes

It may seem like a good idea to get yourself nicotine patches, e-cigarettes, or even nasal sprays and gum to counter your smoking addiction, but trust us, you’re doing more damage than good. These so-called substitutes only feed your addiction tendencies, and prevent you from making progress. In fact, they present you with a seemingly mild form of nicotine consumption, which can become addictive itself.

Remember, your goal is to quit smoking. This means also quitting substances that can affect you in a similar manner and situations that can provoke your addiction.

Seek Behavioral Therapy

Smoking can also make you emotionally dependent on your source of nicotine, in addition to the physical effects it has. There’s no shame in seeking professional help and support for this! Cognitive behavioral therapy in combination with hypnosis can help you overcome your smoking cessation and give you long-term results. It also helps you in altering your lifestyle and avoiding people and places that trigger your craving.

Ready to quit smoking for good? Reach out to Rekha Shrivastava at Blossom Hypnosis for subconscious mind therapy using hypnosis. With her self-confidence strategies, you’ll notice a huge difference in your lifestyle!

Book a free consultation at our office in Pittsford, NY or via Skype!





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