Losing Weight with Mindpower

Weight Loss Through Hypnosis

In theory, weight loss through hypnosis is achieved by putting the mind in a zone where it becomes highly receptive to the idea of a balanced diet. See it as reprogramming the brain into switching from an unhealthy dietary regimen to timely meals with healthy portions.

Eligibility Criteria for a Hypnosis Weight Loss Program

The most important prerequisite is conviction. Unless a person is suggestive to the idea of reaching into their subconscious mind to change their way of life—until they have sufficient motivation—they cannot achieve desired results.

Once self-confidence is established, anyone with body image or weight issues can seek hypnosis to reach their targets. They might suffer from obesity, unhealthy eating habits, weight maintenance problems, bulimia, or other eating disorders.

When taken in conjunction with other forms of mental health interventions and medical treatments, hypnosis can have the desired effect on anyone suggestive to this healing technique.

Benefits of Losing Weight through Hypnosis

There’s a code of ethics to hypnosis as there is with anything that may raise concerns related to consent and privacy, and therein lies its first benefit:

· Discretion and Consent

Going under a trance is hardly the way they show it in the movies. Hypnosis isn’t mind control; it’s more like remolding specific aspects of your psyche.

Therefore, not only is the person under trance fully aware of their surroundings, they can’t and won’t be made to do anything they don’t want to.

· Non-invasive

Most weight loss programs range from minimally invasive to invasive and hold the risk of relapse.

On the other hand, hypnosis remains non-invasive and gives a person more control over their eating habits.

· Duration

Weight loss doesn’t have to take months where hypnosis is concerned; it only takes about five to six sessions to complete a weight loss course, with changes occurring in one’s attitude towards food from the first or second session.

· Inexpensive

Hypnosisdoes not come at an exorbitant rate. While prices might fluctuate by borough or state, even the most expensive therapists would charge around $300 per session. This might sound like a lot to a person who’s never participated in a conventional weight loss program, but procedures like gastric bypass or liposuction cost a lot more.

Take Over the Reins of Your Weight Loss Journey with Blossom Hypnosis in Rochester, NY

Rekha has over twenty years of experience in the field of mental health. She’s a strong advocate of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, (CBT), having healed many who’ve had eating, anxiety disorders and struggled with addiction, through hypnosis.

Have FaceTime sessions with Blossom Therapy, or visit our center in Rochester, New York.

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