All You Need To Know About ADHD in Adults

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is classified as a mental health disorder that causes impulsive behavior and an inability to pay attention for prolonged periods. While it mostly affects children, more than 60% of them continue to exhibit symptoms of this disorder well into adulthood. These include:

Forgetfulness: An individual with ADHD has trouble remembering things and often exhibits forgetfulness. They may routinely keep forgetting tasks they need to do or where they kept an object.

Poor Organizational Skills: An adult with ADHD typically struggles with staying organized. This may extend to their work, relationships, or other aspects of their life. They find it difficult to keep track of things and prioritize them logically and practically.

Distractibility: You’ll notice that someone with an attention-deficit disorder gets distracted easily. They often tend to lack focus when participating in activities. For instance, they may zone out easily during a conversation, overlook details, find it difficult to finish a task before starting another, and just be very easily and frequently distracted.

Hyperfocus: In direct contrast to distractibility, some individuals also have hyperfocus. This means that they can get so involved in something that they focus all their attention toward it. While it helps them perform well in that particular task, they tend to forget about everything else around them. This can cause them to lose track of time and ignore important work.

Impulsiveness: Yet another sign of ADHD is a person’s impulsivity. They’ll often act before thinking about the consequences their actions would have, rush through work, and interrupt people during a conversation.

Challenges Faced By Adults with ADHD

Living with ADHD in adulthood presents a set of challenges for individuals with this condition. They may experience a number of problems at work, in relationships, and in other aspects of their lives.

Challenges at Work

Adults who have ADHD are more likely to be dissatisfied with their jobs. Because of their lack of focus, poor organizational skills, and trouble in prioritizing tasks, they may be less successful at work than their counterparts. They’re also more likely to underperform and switch jobs frequently.

Challenges in Relationships

Relationship problems are also quite common for adults with ADHD. They have a greater chance of getting divorced or separating from their spouse. They may also have multiple short-lived relationships.

Challenges in Life

In addition to the problems discussed above, adults with ADHD are also more likely to:

  • Have generalized anxiety disorder or depression
  • Be less financially stable
  • Be involved in traffic accidents
  • Use alcohol, drugs, or cigarettes

Hypnosis for ADHD Treatment

Rekha Shrivastava at Blossom Hypnosis uses subconscious mind therapy to treat individuals with ADHD. She also uses her techniques to help alleviate anxiety and depression.

Book a Skype consultation with her today or visit her clinic in Pittsford, NY.


One Comment

  1. […] Do you often misplace items while doing your tasks? For example, do you lose your wallet, keys, purse, glasses, AirPods, or phone as soon as you need to walk out the door in the morning? If you’re misplacing the items you use daily, you might be dealing with a symptom of ADHD. […]

    December 1, 2022

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