How Hypnosis Can Help Boost Your Self-Confidence

We live in a fast-paced world where everything has become about competition. The media has set so many false standards to live up to that most people end up belittling their personality, appearance, capability, intelligence, and more.

Even people who are beautiful to us are unattractive and ugly when asked to self-assess their appearance.

“Why does this dress not suit me, and why does it look great on her?”

“He got that promotion. I’m worthless.”

“Everyone keeps leaving me. I’m not a fun person to be around.”

“I can’t go to work today. My hair looks so bad, and everyone will make fun.”

“I’m fat, and that’s why no one loves me.”

“I can’t give good presentations. My accent is funny, and I feel like everyone’s judging me.”

“I can never grow in this job because other employees are far better, performance-wise and qualification-wise.”

These are just a few of the many statements we hear from people who are struggling with confidence. And most of them believe these statements to be true, because they don’t know they have confidence issues.

As a result, they start pushing people away; they shut themselves out, and they stop trying to get out of their comfort zones to make their situation better—because, as per them, they can’t.

How Can Hypnotherapy Improve Your Self-Confidence?

If you’re struggling with confidence issues that trigger insecurities, anxiety, stress, or depression, hypnosis can help you. A lack of confidence is rooted in negative beliefs about oneself that are embedded in the subconscious mind, and hypnosis removes those deep-seated beliefs through subconscious mind healing techniques.

Here’s how hypnosis can boost your self-confidence and help you lead a happier and more fulfilling life:


Henry Ford once said, “If you believe you can, or you believe you can’t, you are probably right.”

This suggests that whatever you believe will become your reality in the long run. Hypnotherapy focuses on eliminating your deep-rooted negative beliefs, leaving you with a positive subconscious mind and better self-esteem.

Increased Resilience

Some goals may take a lot of time to achieve. When the goal achievement process is slowed down because of hurdles, people may begin to lose confidence in their skills, abilities, and talent, ultimately ceasing all efforts to reach the goal.

Hypnotherapy boosts your resilience so you can thrive in tough times and achieve success, even if it seems a long way off.

If you’re looking for hypnosis in Rochester, NY, to boost your low self-esteem and confidence, Rekha Shrivastava, a certified hypnotist and rehabilitation counselor at Blossom Hypnosis, can help you.

With her subconscious mind healing techniques, she has helped many people who struggle with confidence problems and the resulting depression, ADHD, and anxiety. 

Our facility is based in Rochester, NY, and we offer a free consultation in person for local and out-of-city clients—over Skype for the latter group. Reach out to us, and we’d be happy to listen to you!

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