How to Get Better at Expressing Your Emotions

If you’re an emotionally detached person, you probably struggle with expressing your emotions. This can cause your romantic relationships to become strained, while also inhibiting you from forming meaningful connections with others. 

Not being able to express your feelings and repressing them can also have negative health effects due to built up stress. 

However, the inability to express your emotions is not the only thing that could be holding you back from an emotionally fulfilling relationship. 

Some of us need to work on expressing our emotions, whether it’s through our body language, writing them down, in conversation, or through your favorite creative medium. This can help improve your emotional intelligence and will be useful in your personal and professional relationships. 

Here are some ways you can get better at expressing your emotions. 

Always use the first person when talking about your feelings

In most relationships, we tend to start with the words, “you make me feel” or “you always” instead of talking about how the other person’s behavior makes us feel.

This immediately sets an accusatory tone for the conversation and can be hurtful.

There’s a difference between telling a loved one, “I’m upset” and telling them “you upset me” because the first one doesn’t imply that it’s their fault. 

Be more mindful of your feelings and label them 

Sometimes, we struggle to find the words purely because they don’t exist in our vocabulary. It’s difficult to learn new behaviors, especially if you’ve never witnessed them growing up. 

It can be hard to tell someone you love them if you’ve never experienced an expression of love and appreciation, for example. However, you can familiarize yourself with feelings by being aware of your body’s reactions and naming them. 

Focus on responding as opposed to reacting

Often, we’re quick to act on our impulses instead of pausing to think about why we feel a certain way. But there’s a difference between reacting to a situation and responding to it.

This is something you should be mindful of when expressing yourself as well, because reactions can be disproportionate and sometimes end up making things worse. Reflecting on your reactions gives you time to understand the rationale behind them. 

Our expert hypnotist, Rekha Shrivastava, offers a range of comprehensive services to help you manage anxiety, repressed feelings, depression, emptiness, ADHD, smoking cessation, and weight loss. Get your free, no obligation consultation appointment today.

We understand the widespread anxiety caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and are also offering Skype/FaceTime sessions to all our clients at discounted prices. If you feel like you or a loved one in your life need hypnotherapy to learn, you can reach out to us.

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