Hypnosis for Smoking Cessation: Does it Actually Work?

Most smokers are addicted to a habit they despise. It’s true. An estimated 70% of all smokers would be happy to never touch another cigarette again.

It really makes sense too.

All of us are aware of the adverse impact smoking has on your health. Even light smokers experience difficulty breathing when climbing a flight of stairs or a sore, itchy throat. And then there’s the threat of more severe health consequences—cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths in the United States every year.

Why It’s Difficult to Quit

If so many smokers really want to quit, what’s holding them back? Well, the reason is quite simple. The addiction for nicotine is rooted deeply in the subconscious mind. Driving, mealtimes, socializing, drinking alcohol, and stress—all these things subconsciously trigger the thoughts that lead to cigarette cravings.

But what if that voice in your head could be “shut off”? Could there be a way to reshape subconscious thoughts so that you think negatively about smoking? Well, that’s exactly what hypnosis for smoking cessation offers.

How Hypnosis Can Help You Quit

One theory behind the efficacy of hypnosis as a tool against nicotine addiction is that it gives us the ability to reframe subconscious though patterns. When you’re faced with stimuli that may trigger a craving, your mind already has associations in place that deeply influence the response. When you experience stress or anxiety, it triggers the thoughts of smoking as a stress reliever, and you ultimately light one up.

Here is where hypnosis comes in. It helps you achieve a frame of mind in which you change these negative thought processes. How? Well, when you’re in a state of hypnosis, it’s much more responsive to suggestion. It’s separated from the critical conscious mind—the area of the mind that’s constantly urging you to stay a smoker.

After you’re in a state of hypnosis, the hypnotist will try to reframe the way you think about cigarettes subconsciously by delivering hypnotic suggestions like:

  • Smoking is poison
  • You should respect and protect your body
  • You need your body to live

It’s a slow, gradual process, but once it starts to take effect, it changes the way a person thinks and feels about smoking.

Our expert hypnotist, Rekha Shrivastava, not only offers smoking cessation programs but also help with pain management, weight loss, and treatments to re-build lost self-esteem and confidence. Book a free consultation at our office in Pittsford. Rekha also offers Skype sessions for clients not residing in Rochester, NY.

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