Research Has Shown Hypnosis May Be The Best Way To Quit Smoking

There are many reasons as to why people face so much difficulty in trying to quit smoking. Other than nicotine addiction, smokers have to deal with tough withdrawal symptoms and learn to combat triggers at the same time.

Cigarettes are easily available in the market so the slightest dip in willpower can get them started all over again.

The lack of willpower is the greatest hurdle that smokers have to overcome. Smokers that decide to quit ‘cold turkey’ usually have found their motivation – whether it’s to do with health issues or for the sake of a loved one.

Since willpower and determination do play a big role in smoking cessation, psychologists have been trying to encourage the mind to amplify the willpower to quit smoking. Research over the last decade has proven that hypnosis does help with smoking cessation, with some researchers even going on to say that it may be the most effective way to quit smoking.

How it works

Clients will be put in a state of hypnosis and asked to envision negative outcomes of smoking. This could include comparing the smell of cigarette smoke to the exhaust pipe of a truck or how a hurt and imagining the physical effects of illnesses caused by smoking.

A qualified hypnotist will aim to reprogram the client’s brain so it associates smoking with negative physical outcomes. As a result, it should become easier for the client to distance their self from cigarettes and eventually break the habit.

Unlike other smoking cessation methods, hypnosis allows people to quit smoking with minimum effort. With hypnosis, your physical symptoms of withdrawal are weakened by your mind which is actively rejecting cigarettes due it its new ‘wiring’.

With that being said, client’s need to know that each person responds to hypnosis differently; some people respond to it better than other.


A study of 93 candidates—both men and women CMHC outpatients aimed to evaluate the impact of hypnosis on smoking cessation.

After 3 months, it was observed that 86% of males and 87% of the females reported abstinence from smoking.

Another study with 71 subjects (all smokers) reported the following: after 2 years, the individuals who had quit smoking with the help of guided imagery were twice as likely to remain smoke-free than those individuals who quit after counseling.

If you’ve been trying to quit smoking and are failing miserably, you should give hypnosis a try. Hypnosis is more likely to work with people who genuinely want to quit are not resistant to the idea that hypnosis can actually treat them.

Rekha Shrivastava is a certified hypnotist and rehabilitation counsellor who has been using hypnosis to treat clients with all sorts of health issues inducing smoking addiction, weight-loss, stress, anxiety and more.

Willing to give hypnosis a try? Call 585-281-2988 for a free consultation.



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