5 Ways Hypnosis Can Help You Lose Weight Permanently

Hypnosis has existed for many centuries, but it’s only recently beginning to gain recognition in the medical field. Hypnosis is being used to treat an array of health issues including smoking addiction, stress, anxiety and weight-loss.

Around 30% of Americans are considered overweight or obese. What is worrisome is that studies are showing that fewer Americans are trying to lose weight. Many have accepted their heavy weight and don’t think they can do anything to help themselves.

In 2013, a Gallup poll showed that America’s desire to lose weight outweighs the effort they are willing to put in to shed excess pounds.

The willingness to be healthier comes from within and people who cannot get themselves to put in the work to shed weight, lack the required motivation and strength. Studies have shown that hypnosis can make it easier for people to control urges and eat healthier, allowing them to gradually lose weight with time.

Here are some ways hypnosis makes weight-loss permanent:

1. There is more belief

When people have been struggling with weight-loss for many years, they begin doubting their ability to lose weight at all and eventually give up. People who believe they can actually be helped with hypnosis are more open to suggestibility during their hypnosis sessions and are more likely to lose weight. The belief in hypnosis helps shift their mindset.

2. It helps focus on the positive

Herbert and David Spiegel emphasized the significance of using positive suggestions related to the wellbeing of the body such as “to keep my body healthy, I must stay away from greasy junk food” or “my body will live longer is I eat more fruits and vegetables”. For more impactful hypnosis sessions, it’s better for the client to write down their own mantras.

3. Visualization is key

People have vision boards for a reason, they help motivate us.  Hypnotists ask their clients to imagine themselves healthy in the future; these visuals of healthier versions of ourselves boost motivation. We are more likely to take steps that help us achieve the image we had visualized during the session. This image sticks with us for the long-run.

4. You have greater self-control

The basis of using hypnosis for treating health issues is that all the answers of our wellbeing lie within us – it just needs to be brought into our conscious mind. With hypnosis, we realize our inner strength and learn to trust our abilities. People who have difficulty in controlling their eating habits, have more resilience after hypnosis treatment.

5. Relapse is not to be feared

People respond with fear when they come face to face with their ‘weaknesses’. The fear of relapse kicks in and they are overwhelmed with mixed emotions. Hypnosis teaches clients to view these ‘confrontations’ as a challenge – something an opportunity to show yourself how far you’ve come. Over time, the huge bowl of cheese fries will be much easier to resist.

Rekha Shrivastava is a certified hypnotist and rehabilitation councilor that has been using hypnosis to treat client with various health issues such as PTSD, smoking addiction, stress, anxiety and weight-loss for many years.

If you have problems with being overweight, give hypnosis a try. It’s known to be an effective and low-cost solution for weight-loss.

Call 585-281-2988 for a free-consultation with Rekha today.





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