How Hypnosis Can Help with Anxiety Disorders

Whether it is facing an interviewer or going out on a date for the first time, we all feel a bit anxious at some point or another in our lives.

However, anxiety disorders involve an extreme form of apprehension – an apprehension so severe that it disrupts the daily functioning of an individual. The situation is so feared by the individual that he/she is willing to avoid it at all costs. This fear makes him/her lose out on many opportunities, including career growth and healthy, rewarding relationships.

Let us first take a look at some types of anxiety disorders and then at how hypnosis can help treat anxiety:

Types of Anxiety

Here are three common types of anxiety disorders:

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

In this type of disorder, individuals worry about bad things happening. The normal, everyday problems are given excessive weight age and the sufferers do not find any respite.

Panic Disorder

Panic disorder is characterized by sudden, unwarned feelings of terror. The sufferers experience uncontrollable panic attacks in which their hearts start pounding, breathing escalates to an elevated level, and feelings of impending doom come to the fore.

Social Anxiety Disorder

This disorder is characterized by extreme anxiety and discomfort in social situations. Some signs include fear of being in social situations and fear of being judged or evaluated by others.

How Hypnosis Works for Treating Anxiety

Over the years, many patients have been treated using hypnotic procedures. Hypnosis can help them cope with feelings of fear and anxiety and enhance self-confidence.

Accessing the unconscious mind, hypnosis can enable a person to achieve a calm state of mind. From the cause of a patient’s anxiety to situations that trigger it, hypnotic procedures aim to treat anxiety holistically.

What a Typical Hypnosis Session Would Look Like

Generally, a hypnosis session begins with a hypnotherapist asking the client about what he/she wants to achieve from the whole therapeutic procedure. From questions about his/her life to triggering events, quite a few themes are explored in the initial consultation session.

Once the patient is ready for the process, the hypnosis expert will help him/her achieve a relaxed and focused state of mind. He/she might then ask the person to relive those anxious moments (the actual physical sensations). With calming words or suggestions and breathing exercises, the hypnotherapist will help the client develop a calm state of mind to overcome overwhelming emotions. Finally, the hypnotist will also teach the client self-hypnosis techniques so that he/she can become self-reliant.

With a thorough understanding of aspects related to anxiety, Rekha Shrivastava provides anxiety treatment to her clients in Rochester. The hypnosis expert also offers stress management, smoking cessation and pain management. Take a look at her services.


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