Using Hypnotherapy to Deal with Grief and Loss

The grief of losing someone you love can be an intense emotion to deal with. Most of us can relate to the overwhelming sadness of a friend losing a parent, a grandparent or sibling. But when something like that happens to us, we realize the impact it has on our emotions.

Dealing with our own emotions alone and ones of those close to us can drain us of energy. It can be exhausting, difficult, harsh, and can even sometimes affect our ability to function properly.

Even though going through these emotions is all part of the grieving process and is completely natural, it can get so intense that it starts affecting our mental health and sanity. This is where seeking professional help is a good idea.

Various types of psychological and therapeutic interventions can help make this time a little easier for you to deal with. One such solution is hypnotherapy.

Here are three ways that hypnotherapy can help you deal with grief and loss without risking your own mental and physical health.

Hypnosis can help you understand loss differently

For some people, the grieving process doesn’t end or get easier with time; in fact, in some cases, it might even get worse. This is when help through Hypnotherapy is ideal because it works deep within the subconscious mind, where our belief systems are embedded, and help people understand loss differently.

Our mind, and the feelings it generates, are powerful. Changing the way you think about losing someone from feelings of sadness and emptiness to beautiful, loving memories can go a long way and help speed up the healing process.

It can help you move on

Moving on from the loss of a loved can be hard, especially, in the case of a spouse. The feelings of attachment and commitment can linger on, long after you think you’ve healed and hinder your life ahead.

Hypnotherapy can help you move on and begin to live your life again without feeling guilty about it. What’s more, is that in combination to working with loss and grief, hypnosis can also help rebuild your lost confidence which often happens in case of losing a partner.

It can help you look after yourself in a time of mourning

When you’re mourning the loss of a loved one, you can often neglect yourself. Hypnosis can help you develop a feeling of compassion and kindness for yourself, so that you don’t lose your own sense of self while you grieve.

Need help overcoming grief?

Rekha Shrivastava is a hypnotist and a certified rehabilitation counselor at Blossom Hypnosis. Rekha has helped countless individuals overcome a range of issues, including depression, grief, and feelings emptiness after losing someone you love.

If you need help dealing with loss, contact us today to book a free consultation session in Pittsford, New York. We also offer Skype sessions to those not residing within New York.




  1. lysiane grutman said:

    for a sudden accidental death of a loved one !

    June 1, 2020
  2. connie said:

    how does hypnotherapy help someone who is still crying everyday from the death of her spouse 4 years ago.
    The grief never goes away compounded with guilt feelings. . The,heartache is destroying her life.

    September 10, 2021

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