4 Signs You Might Be Struggling with an Anxiety Disorder

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, anxiety disorders affect 18.1% of the American population, which is about 40 million citizens in the United States. Other estimates indicate that the prevalence of anxiety disordersis higher for females than for males. What’s more, a study found that anxiety disorders usually co-exist (comorbidity) with other mental illnesses.

So What Exactly is Anxiety?

According to the American Psychological Association, anxiety is distinguished by emotions such as:

  • tension,
  • worrying thoughts,
  • fear
  • specific physical changes such as increased sweating

Feeling anxious before a big presentation or dealing with work-related stress is quite common and normal.

However, when anxiety starts to interrupt daily functioning and leaves you with nothing to think of besides fear and worry, it might indicate an anxiety disorder.

People with anxiety disorders undergo intrusive and repeated thoughts and various physical symptoms such as trembling, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, and nausea. They also undertake avoidant actions such as avoiding social gatherings.

While occasional anxiety can get better on its own, anxiety disorders don’t; in fact, they can get worse over time without the proper help.

There are many types of anxiety disorders that have their own characteristics and traits. These types include:

  1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  2. Panic Disorder
  3. Social Anxiety Disorder
  4. Obsessive-compulsive Disorder
  5. Phobia-related Disorders
  6. Separation Anxiety Disorder

What Are the Signs You Might Be Struggling with an Anxiety Disorder?

While this article does not serve as a replacement for an official diagnosis, here are some signs to watch out for, which indicate that you might have an anxiety disorder.

1. Excessive Worrying

Excessive worrying is considered one of the top mental signs of an anxiety disorder. The worry extends to the point that the person is unable to concentrate or distract themselves from it and is unable accomplish tasks.

2. Irrational Fears

Intense fears about specific things such as spiders, enclosed spaces, crowds, death, or any particular object or situation could be signs of an anxiety disorder, especially when it interrupts the ability to function.

A woman covers her face with her hands

3. Disturbances in Sleep

Many individuals with an anxiety disorder have frequent disturbances in their sleep cycle. Trouble falling asleep or waking up for no reason are the most commonly reported issues.

4. Physical Changes

An anxiety disorder is usually accompanied by physical changes such as trembling, sweating, feeling weak or tired, increased heart rate, rapid breathing. Moreover, certain people may also have nervous tic and quirks. These include rapidly tapping foot, talking fast, and shaking leg.

Other than that, there are some more significant signs such as going through:

  • a panic attack,
  • avoiding social situations,
  • fearful of going outside safe spaces

Anxiety is very debilitating, so it’s essential to get professional help if your symptoms are severe and interrupt daily functioning. At Blossom Hypnosis, we offer several treatment options for treating anxiety in Pittsford, NY, by a certified hypnotist with years of experience. One such treatment is hypnosis for anxiety, which is shown to be effective by research. Get a consultation today on Skype/Zoom/Google Meet/FaceTime or get in touch today to learn more about cognitive healing.

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